I LOVE Christmas! It probably is my favourite time of the year. A time when family and friends get together and everyone is happy. While I’ve been having a quiet one this year, it’s still been enjoyable.
In the past it would have been filled with being busy preparing for house guests, going out, lots of drinking etc. This year it’s filled with pyjama days, Netflix marathons and catching up on university work before the deadlines in the New Year… and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s good to have two weeks off uni and work to get everything done. It means I have plenty of time to de-stress and unwind before the new year. I have so many ambitions and plans that I can’t wait… I’ll save those for another post though.
The Holidays are usually time for reflection on the year thats gone by. I’m not going to dwell on the negative. It’s gone and I want to put all that behind me now. Besides the downs, 2014 has brought plenty of ups. I’ve made some amazing new friends, I got to spend a day photographing with one of my idols, Rosie Hardy. I started working for a creative agency, getting some great experience as a professional graphic designer and University has been great. My daughter started her new school, so she had a fresh start too, and she’s thriving there. Everyone loves her and she’s already settled in so well.
I’m hoping to write more on my blog over the new year. While I’m busy with work I need to make time for my own personal projects. Plus, since I had to defer my place at Blogcademy till next summer, I’m, hoping to have an established blog all ready for June. But, for now, it’s off to finish a mountain of work before the deadlines creep up on me.
Here’s hoping you’re all enjoying the holidays. How are you spending them? Merry christmas everyone.