If you have a gift for holistic healing, then it’s important you feel comfortable to share this with the world – yet one of the most significant obstacles for those in the healing arts is that of charging money for their service.
It just seems to grate against people, and many people end up giving away their services without any expectation of remuneration. In part, this is due to the nature of healing and wanting to help others, but it’s also a very depleting way to live and can suggest a deeper issue around self-worth and self-value.
Indeed, many healers tend to find themselves giving way too much of themselves, in both their personal and professional lives – subsequently feeling drained and taken advantage of.
There’s a Latin legal term, known as volineti which means “no harm will be done to the willing”… and in this context, many people give away their gift without asking for money, in exchange, but subsequently complain about being financially broke or feeling taken advantage of.
It’s therefore, important to set boundaries within the context of charging for your services.
Admittedly, there are times when free sessions make sense, from a marketing perspective and a soul-centred perspective… but, as we all know, to nurture other people we must first nurture ourselves, as the “homeless healer” will be in a position to help far fewer people with their holistic practice than the person with a decent income coming in.
It goes back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Many empaths and healers are focused so much more on the higher states of consciousness that they lose their grounding and stability within their root chakra, which is akin to Maslow’s representation of shelter, food and water.
In this sense, if you are serious about holistic healing, you need to find ways to monetise your gift. The recipe for this is pretty simple with regard to marketing, but the less simple part is feeling comfortable enough to charge what you are worth.
Interestingly, there are a number of jobs for psychics that make this much simpler, as they are paid by the company – rather than having to ask for money directly, they simply have people dial in and share their gift with that person, then the company compensates them for their time.
On an emotional level, this is a lot more comfortable for people than offering their services one-to-one, as it can feel awkward or uncomfortable, particularly given the context of service they are offering.
It’s a strange mix to go from a place of intuition to ‘salesmanship’.
However, if you are to be successful as a holistic healer, you need to get comfortable with the business aspects of being a solo practitioner, and understand the value in which you are giving that person in exchange.
In summary, a lot of holistic healers need to work on this area of feeling comfortable around charging for their services, and a lot of this comes down to issues around self-worth, or it could be a lack of confidence in your skills and ability… in which case, it’s worth undertaking further training to bridge that gap so you can feel more authentically confident.