If you’re like the majority of the population, you’ve probably wondered from time to time what your calling could be. Finding one’s calling is never a walk in the park, and yet people expect it to come and knock on their door or smack them in the face. Not going to happen!
Your calling is already deeply ingrained inside of you. If you listen very closely to your inner voice/guidance system, you should be able to find it.
Have you ever considered that helping people to become their best selves could be your calling? There are so many benefits to dedicating your life to helping other people. It brings meaning. It brings satisfaction. It makes you feel amazing, even though the majority of what you’re doing is for others, and not for yourself!
There are no end to the amount of ways you can help others to become their best selves, too. You could become a life coach, a therapist, a personal trainer, or even just make this your goal if you’re the manager of a team in an office.
Let’s talk more about how you can help people to become their best selves below.
Relate To People
How do you get people to be their best selves? Well, you need to get them to like you first. Nobody is going to listen to you if they think you are unlikeable or can’t relate to you. Relate to people by telling them about yourself. Be vulnerable. Show them that you are/were just like them, and that you really care about them and their situations. Be a great listener. People love talking about themselves, so listening to them and showing that you are really listening will get you far.
Be Your Own Best Self
You can’t expect to inspire anybody to be their best self if you’re not your own best self. You should be emotionally healed first to get on the right track. If this means working with a professional to help sort out your thoughts and feeling and come up with coping mechanisms, then that’s what you need to do.
Think about it like this: what does your best self look like? What do they act like? What do they do every day? How do they stand and speak? Having a clear picture of this person in your head will give you a good idea of what you need to do to become your own best self.
Have Empathy For Others
Having a deep empathy for others is a must. You should be able to understand their issues and see things from their point of view easily.
Express Love And Appreciation, And Campaign For Equality
Aim to express only love and appreciation for people, knowing that they are doing their best. Campaigning for equality can also be important in certain groups and minorities. Things still aren’t as equal as some would like to believe. Is there a way you can help that?
Show That You Believe In Them
If you genuinely believe in a person, they will believe in themselves too. Of course, they must be able to foster a belief within themselves without you there, so they can’t use your belief as a crutch to get them on the right path. However, in the beginning, showing your own belief can be a huge help.
Find Your Platform
Make sure you find your platform. The platform that will enable you to encourage and inspire others to be their best selves. You could create a vlog, create a blog, use your position at work – anything you feel would work well with your message.
Work On Developing Yourself And Your Skills
Don’t ever get complacent when it comes to yourself and your skills. You need to be in a growth mindset, and that means consistently working on yourself. How can you develop yourself and your skills now and in the future? You can use free resources, take courses, read books, and more.
See if you can dedicate an hour each day to improving yourself and your skills. You might look into things like a cpr certification online, which can be valuable in any situation or workplace. You might look into a communication refresher course. There’s something out there for everybody.
Know How To Encourage And Inspire
Knowing the right way to encourage and inspire others is key to helping them be their best selves. You need to make sure you’re appealing to their drives and the things that motivate them. This is different for everybody, so an approach that worked beautifully with one person may not work so well with another.
Make sure you have an idea of the right language and techniques to use to get the person to where you know they can be.
Be A Great Communicator
Being able to communicate well with all kinds of people is essential. Not everybody things the same or processes things the same, so multiple approaches and techniques may need to be utilized by you to get the best results. Make sure you can listen, as part of being a great communicator is being able to listen. Then you need to make sure you can be understood and speak clearly. Doing both of these things will result in much better communication skills overall.
Tell Stories
People respond to stories. They can be exciting and engaging. Know how to tell real life stories in a way that inspires and engages others.
Challenge People To Come Out Of Their Comfort Zones
If you’re a coach or a mentor of some description, it’s up to you to challenge people to come out of their comfort zones. People usually prefer to stay tucked up safe within the parameters of their comfort zones until something challenges them to come out. What can you do to show people they are capable of more than they originally thought; that they are more powerful than they could have ever imagined?
Be Transparent And Truthful
Remain transparent and truthful at all costs. People will respect this. Not only that, it’s easy to see through somebody who isn’t being truthful, and people won’t trust you.
Ask Good Questions
Instead of simply telling people what to do and giving them instructions, ask good questions. This helps people to understand themselves better, and allows them to figure out for themselves what they need to do to improve and become the best version of themselves. Asking good questions can also teach you a lot about people, which will help you to help them further.
Finding Your Calling And Bringing Meaning To Your Life
Finding your calling and bringing meaning to your life can be a lot harder than it sounds. However, by listening to your inner guidance system and following the little nudges that you notice, doing things because you want to and not because you think you have to, can really help.
Your calling may not be ‘life coach’, ‘counselor’, or anything along those lines. However, whatever role you end up in, inspiring people to become their best selves will bring meaning and many rewards. Many people don’t realize that a feeling contentment and happiness is nearly always brought on by helping others, rather than focusing solely on helping the self.
You don’t even have to take every single step in this guide to help others. The very best way to help others? Be the absolute best version of yourself, set an example, and be kind to everybody you meet. It’s that simple!