Not literally.
I mean the end of my third semester at Uni. That’s why I’ve been so quiet around here lately. It’s been a mad rush trying to get everything done in time for deadlines. Well, I’ve almost done it. Just one more module to hand in later this week and I can breathe. For a week anyway. Then I’ll be starting my next semester.
I honestly can’t believe I’m half way through my degree. I’ll be graduating NEXT FREAKIN’ YEAR!!! Yikes. That’s scary. I’m not sure I want to graduate and join the real world. I’ll probably have to *gulp* get a job!
So anyway, what have I been up to? Not much really. Apart from drowning in a mountain of uni work, life has been pretty uneventful.
I did however, treat myself to a new camera. Hopefully I’ll be able to leave the house and try it out properly. As handsome as Harry the cat is, I need other subjects to photograph. I’m really hoping to get things going properly with my photography this year. I just need to make some time for it and find some confidence to actually do it for other people.