I’ve been a little quiet lately so I thought I’d write an update. I miss writing. It used to be something that I could do when I was feeling off and it would help me gather my thoughts and gain perspective. These days though, if you have a blog, there’s so much pressure for your content to be relevant to what your selling, or you need to be offering some sort of advice. Don’t even get me started on keywords and SEO. Back in the days of MySpace I used to just love blogging for the sake of blogging. In a way I miss that. On the other hand, it’s probably a good thing. The world doesn’t need to know my every thought, does it? I have a journal for that now anyway.
Over the last month I’ve been pretty unwell. First it started with kidney pain, which turned into the flu… which turned into a kidney infection. There was even a trip to hospital involved. I’ve been feeling better, physically, for about a week or so now but mentally, it’s left me a little drained and foggy. It’s been hard to get motivated or get over feeling generally low. I won’t go too much into detail about the ins and outs of my depressive mood but lets just say it hasn’t been pretty. It tends to get worse when I don’t take care of myself or if I’m feeling burnt out or unwell. The last couple of years it’s been at it’s worst and it’s the main reason I’ll be staying on at university for an extra year.
For the first time in a few weeks though, I’m feeling quite motivated, and I have lots of ideas for projects that I want to do and my mind is just busy. I’m currently working on four websites that I want to get finished ASAP so my clients are nice and happy with me too. I’m still tired but I’m feeling good.
I’ve recently got myself a subscription to Lynda.com so I can learn some new skills over the summer months alongside my freelance work. I’m a huge advocate for learning. No matter how old you are, you should never stop.
I’m no longer going to be offering photography services. I’m happy to take headshots for branding but no more weddings and events for me. Photography is something that is quite theraputic for me at times when I’m feeling anxious. Not that I don’t love a good wedding but the stress of photographing them has proven to be a little too much for me too handle lately. Plus, I want to focus on my design and freelance work. Being stressed just took away all the excitement and pleasure that photography gave me.
Those who know me, will know about my obession with planners and stationery. I’m currently reading Let it out By Katie Dalebout and it’s so good. I’ve kept a journal since I was a teenager but over the last few years I haven’t bothered with them as much. I’ve either been too busy or foggy brained to have one but I’m trying now. The plan is to use it as my place to write down my feelings, what inspires me and and ideas I have for art and design. A theraputic brain dump, if you will.
So, I’m off to work on some client work and tend to my daughter who’s off sick today.
Are you reading any good books at the moment? Do you have any tips for getting motivated and overcoming brain fog? Let me know in the comments.
Have a great day x

You have no idea how much I can relate to this right now, and how much I needed to read it and realise I’m not the only one, not alone… it gets tough! I’m glad your feeling better now, just keep looking forward to and counting on the good days! Xx
Kez | acaciasdreams.com
I think it’s been one of those years so far. I know so many people who are just drained right now. Self care is so important and we have to remind ourselves that we don’t have to tackle everything at once. Hope you’re taking it easy 🙂